
(2014). Can active perception generate bistability? Heterogeneous collective dynamics and vascular patterning. In ALIFE 14.
(2014). Feedback Control of Evolving Swarms. In ALIFE 14.
(2014). The Resilience of a Swarm Ecosystem Under Environmental Variation. In ALIFE 14.
(2014). Coevolution in Hide and Seek: Camouflage and Vision. In ALIFE 14.
(2014). Eco-evolutionary dynamics of complex social strategies in microbial communities. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 7(1).
(2014). Eco-evolutionary dynamics of complex social strategies in microbial communities. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 7(1).
(2013). Robot Coverage Control by Neuromodulation. In IJCNN-2013.
(2012). Computational Neuroecology of Communicated Somatic Markers. In Alife 2012.
(2012). Tag-Based Modularity in Tree-Based Genetic Programming. In GECCO-2012.
(2012). Autoconstructive Evolution for Structural Problems. In GECCO-2012.