I enjoy making things. Here are a selection of projects that I have worked on over the years.
The CZII CryoET Object Identification Challenge, hosted on Kaggle from November 2024 to February 2025, was a machine learning competition focused on automating the detection of protein complexes in cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) data. This competition addressed a critical bottleneck in structural biology research by developing algorithms to accurately identify and annotate multiple types of protein complexes in 3D tomographic volumes. More on the Kaggle page
CellCanvas is a software tool for creating and working with geometric models of cellular architectures.
Album is a software tool for sharing scientific code and software early in the development process. The goal is accelerating the iterative development of scientific software between developers and users. Check out the repository here.
SciView is an ImageJ/FIJI plugin for 3D visualization of images and meshes. It uses scenery as a rendering backend and supports rendering to VR headsets via OpenVR.
Brevis is an open-source scientific and artificial life simulator that uses the functional language, Clojure, for writing simulations.