
  1. Team Lead for Machine Learning

    Chan Zuckerberg Institute for Advanced Biological Imaging
  2. Staff Software Engineer

    Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  3. Senior Software Engineer

    Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  4. Senior Researcher

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  5. Group Leader, Image Data Analysis

    Helmholtz Imaging Platform, Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine
  6. Assistant Professor, Virtual Technology and Design

    University of Idaho
  7. Computational Scientist Consultant

    Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  8. Visiting Scientist

    Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  9. Machine Learning Scientist

    DARPA/MTO & DARPA/I2O, ECS Federal
  10. Visiting Faculty

    Royal Veterinary College, London UK
  11. Visiting Professor, Computer Science

    University of Toulouse, France
  12. Visiting Professor, Center for Systems Biology Dresden

    Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Physical Complex Systems, Technical University of Dresden
  13. Postdoctoral Fellow

    Bentley Group, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
  14. Lecturer (Machine Learning)

    Department of Computer Science, Tufts University
  15. Visiting Scientist

    Grigorieff Lab, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Farm
  16. Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant

    DEMO Lab, Computer Science, Brandeis University
  17. Visiting Scholar

    BINDS Lab, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  18. Instructor of Computer Science

    Hampshire College


  1. Postdoctoral Fellow, Pathology

    Harvard Medical School
  2. PhD Computer Science

    Brandeis University
    Supplemental PhD Specialization: Quantitative Biology
  3. MA Computer Science

    Brandeis University
  4. BA Artificial Life

    Hampshire College
Skills & Hobbies
Technical Skills
HHMI Interfaces Scholar Award
Howard Hughes Medical Institute ∙ January 2014
BMC Ecology Competition Winner for Best Image from Theoretical Model
BMC Ecology ∙ January 2014